Tips for Surviving Winter Storm Nemo with Kids in Connecticut
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Fairfield County Family Newsletter Special Edition: Surviving Winter Storm Nemo with Kids
Lots of us won't be able to get "out and about" for a few days due to our friend Nemo and associated weather systems blowing through. This is enough to make some of us feel stir-crazy already! KidsOutAndAbout has lots of creative solutions for surviving Winter Storm Nemo:
What to Do When the Weather is Awful and You're Stuck Inside with the Kids: Sometimes even we intrepid "out and about" types can't get out and about. So what happens when your kids turn into Thing One and Thing Two and your house starts to look like Sally's did after the Cat in the Hat arrived? We prevent the stir-crazies with a little creativity. Here are some ideas that you've never thought of that will turn your house into the ideal indoor playground.
100 Things to Do with Kids During a Power Outage: Some of us learned the hard way with Hurricane Sandy. And of course, these are fun things to do even when the power is on!
When the kids start whining, use one of the creative strategies in Would You Like Some Cheese with that Whine?
If the power is on... think about spring, and browse our great List of CSAs--Community-Supported Agriculture in Fairfield County. See what it would mean to purchase a share of fruits & veggies fresh from the farm for your family this year.
And then after it's all done...the snow will be new! Embrace winter!
Family-Friendly Skiing within Driving Distance: This article provides descriptions and links for all of the great places within driving distance!
Introduce your kids to new winter sports: You probably already sled and play in the snow, but many sports that appeal to young and old are made for wintertime. Snowshoeing, skiing, and ice skating are all terrific group activities, and starting kids early offers them plenty of opportunities for fun and activity in the years to come.
Good luck!
Debra Ross
Mom of Madison (13) and Ella (11)