Yoga Mobile Studio
Ages 4-5 yrs
Ages 6-7yrs
These classes introduce yoga poses as animal and story fun-filled activities that are age appropriate. They explore breathing and relaxation techniques through storytelling and animal imagery. In a nurturing environment, it’s never too early to introduce self-awareness, expression, confidence and individuality into your child’s life. This lively approach to yoga is appropriate for both boys and girls.
Group limit: 10
Tween (8-12yrs) & Teen Yoga
Tween classes are more like an adult vinyasa class, but no grown ups! In your children’s hectic lives its truly a time for them to chillax’! Here they will learn the value of how breathing and letting go empowers them to be less reactive and more in control of their emotions. Through the discipline of holding poses yoga develops a sense of focus and concentration. Increased confidence, self-awareness and self-control, promotes the physical, emotional, and social development.
Birthday Parties
NO yoga experience needed!
Its time for YOU to take a deep breath and relax! For an hour full of fun for an energetic group. It’s playful interaction just in time to counter balance cake and other festive treats! Party favor gift bags included, call for details.